Early start this morning to get down to Bristol for the 9-9:30am start of Eroticon, but it’s definitely been worth it.
Firstly, for anyone thinking of coming, it’s one of those fabulously friendly conferences, similar (for me) to UK Meet and Queer Company – supportive & collaborative rather than competitive. Yay!
So, what have I been up to? The programme is wonderfully varied. After the opening panel discussion about the state of erotic publishing, I’ve been to a session on erotic romance writing by Ashley Lister (and if anyone has a yearning to write poetry, he’s currently accepting submissions for a poetry anthology), followed by a session with Cressida Downing about giving and receiving critique of writing.
After lunch I chose a session with KD Grace and Lily Harlem on Crafting Creativity where we discussed all manner of writing craft issues, and had to come up with a first line of a story too…
Rather a change for the last presentation session, I chose ‘The Psychology of Rope’ presented by a wonderful lady rope practitioner who is also a mental health nurse so illuminated different aspects of the how & why of rope bondage which I hadn’t considered before, but which seem obvious in hindsight.
To finish the day, we were treated to a more informal session, with demonstrations of 3 different aspects of kink and a chance to ask questions, have a go, or just look and feel a variety of toys.
Very much looking forward to tomorrow, but I’m skipping out of the cocktails tonight due to early start today, busy week just gone, and need to be back at day-job bright & early on Monday..