Sandra Lindsey in the cockpit of a Sea Vixen

Ten Things I Took Home from Eroticon

So. Yes. Eroticon. Wow. As you can tell from the one-word sentences, I’m still rather in the midst of its effects. Over on that there Twitter (well, on her blog really but I saw it in a tweet), @writtenbyjenny has…

Out & About rather a lot this month

On the verge of a Weekend of Geekery – we’re off to a model railway exhibition at a vintage vehicle museum tomorrow, and on Sunday we’ll be at RAF Museum Hendon (where the Sunderland is! I’ve been wanting to go…

Adventures in the North-East

(of England, that is!) Had a grand old time on our weekend away: Friday we went to Locomotion, part of the National Railway Museum. Didn’t have a lot of time there, but there were a couple of engines in steam…


It’s been a good week for inspiration. First I read Iain M Banks’s Player of Games which has kicked off my inner sci-fi lover. Got an idea floating about my brain regarding a genderless species – and there’s a character…