Dangerous Books

There’s different types of dangerous books. We’ve all heard tales about books which are directly dangerous to your health: either the arcane knowledge they contain will drive you mad, cause you to become possessed, or some other terrible fate –…

Meeting the Sunderland

It’s nearly a year now since Under Leaden Skies was released. It seems both far longer and far shorter than that – I’ve certainly learned a lot in the last 12 months, and my writing has developed in ways I…

Here & There

So back when I wrote my post about 10 things I brought back from Eroticon? I should have included a stinking cold on the list… It wasn’t too bad initially, just a bit of a sniffle that developed into mild…

"Parachutes and Petticoats" pub. by Honno

Parachutes and Petticoats

I think it was the title which most caught my eye when I came across this book last autumn and added it to my wishlist. In typical Honno style (yes, it’s another book published by Honno – in my experience…

Sunderland flying boats

I was going to write here a post filled with all the awesomely fantastic facts I learned about Sunderland flying boats during the course of my research, but then I thought: really? I know I’m super-interested in them, but that’s…

Another world, a lifetime ago…

Something I’ve often told people about myself, but rarely explained its significance, is that I spent two summers working as a crew-girl on a hotel narrowboat pair. For anyone who needs a translation, that means I spent two summers travelling…

Settings, I think I hate them right now

I’m considering choosing which story to write next based on how many different places the tale takes place in. Having spent arggh-many hours finding out, reading up on, looking at pictures of, and in some cases visiting, all the different…

Out & About rather a lot this month

On the verge of a Weekend of Geekery – we’re off to a model railway exhibition at a vintage vehicle museum tomorrow, and on Sunday we’ll be at RAF Museum Hendon (where the Sunderland is! I’ve been wanting to go…

Adventures in the North-East

(of England, that is!) Had a grand old time on our weekend away: Friday we went to Locomotion, part of the National Railway Museum. Didn’t have a lot of time there, but there were a couple of engines in steam…

What not to say when pitching to a publisher

There are, I imagine, umpty-gazillion things one oughtn’t say during a pitch to a publisher, and what I said is only mildly wrong compared to many other things… “Of course, as we know, it’s not going to be the happy…